Sunday, January 1, 2012

Arab Problems

Hello everyone. I come from an arabic family, and everyone's really nice and everything, but all arabs have this issue called #arabproblems. Let me give you a few examples.

When you go to your grandma's house, you end up coming back weighing 2 pounds more than you did when you entered #arabproblems

Counting down for new years after it already happened. #arabproblems

That awkward moment when you don't know to kiss a person 2 or 3 times #arabproblems

When your parents tell you yyour leaving someone's house and you end up waiting 20 mintues for them #arabproblems

"i'll be there in half an hour..." *Shows up an hour and 20 mins later* #arabproblems

These are just a few arab problems. I'll be posting more in the future so stay tuned!


Hello everyone, just wanted to say Happy New Year! Hope you enjoyed your New Year with friends and family. Hoefully you guys didn't get to drunk.... :p LOL I know that you Russians did :p

So happy new year from Toronto. My New Year personally was pretty fun. I went to a banquet hall with family and really enjoyed it. The only problem was however, that everyone was arab. When a bunch of arabs are together, things tend to go out of hand. example: 9/11


But seriously, it was great and I had a really good time. Hopefully you did too!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Balancing Master

Seoul, Korea.

The link above is to a video of a man in Seoul, Korea that can balance anything. Check it out. He balances everything from iphones, to laptops, to even a motorcycle. You've got to chck this out

Lighting In Greece

Check out this lighting in Icaria Greece. Amazing.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


So. Christmas is coming soon and I just wanted to say merry Christmas to everyone, or happy holidays if you don't celebrate Christmas.

Where I am, we usually have alot of snow this time of year, but we don't have snow this year. Dissapointing I know... but that's Canada eh!? (Toronto Specifically)

Anyway, have a Good christmas. Hopefully you'll spend it with loved ones. Have a Good time!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hey guys watch the ice age movie online!

It's really funny, and even makes sense!

A Movie You Have to Watch - Forrest Gump

Ever find the grind of life getting you down? Is the day-to-day struggle threatening to drag you under? If so, there is a movie out there that can replenish your energy and refresh your outlook. Passionate and magical, Forrest Gump is a tonic for the weary of spirit. For those who feel that being set adrift in a season of action movies is like wandering into a desert, the oasis lies ahead.

Back when Tom Hanks' movie career was relatively new, the actor made a film called Big, which told the story of a young boy forced to grow up fast as a result of an ill-advised wish made at a carnival. In some ways, Forrest Gump represents a return to the themes of that earlier movie. In this case, the main character remains a child in heart and spirit, even as his body grows to maturity. Hanks is called upon yet again to play the innocent.

Forrest Gump (Hanks), named after a civil war hero, grows up in Greenbow, Alabama, where his mother (Sally Field) runs a boarding house. Although Forrest is a little "slow" (his IQ is 75, 5 below the state's definition of "normal"), his mental impairment doesn't seem to bother him, his mother, or his best (and only) friend, Jenny Curran (played as an adult by Robin Wright). In fact, the naivete that comes through a limited understanding of the world around him gives Forrest a uniquely positive perspective of life.

During the next thirty years, Forrest becomes a star football player, a war hero, a successful businessman, and something of a pop icon. Through it all, however, there is one defining element in his life: his love for Jenny. She is never far from his thoughts, no matter what he's doing or where he is.

A trio of assets lift Forrest Gump above the average "lifestory" drama: its optimism, freshness, and emotional honesty. Though the movie does not seek to reduce every member of the audience to tears, it has moments whose power comes from their simplicity. Equally as important is laughter, and Forrest Gump has moments of humor strewn throughout.