Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Homework. Students hate it with a pasion

So I haven't posted in several months and I know it's really bad since I said I would post every ew days. I just haven't had the time with all the school work that I'm getting and my extracuricular activites.

Anyway. Today My blog is on the sorrows of homework. Sure the teachers have a valid point, it does help us with our knowledge and understanding, but then again to much is not enough. Last night in fact was the first night of the entire school year that I slept before 12:00.

Now don't get me wrong, I like homework, a little bit that is... But realistically sometimes it's overwhelming. You are expected to do so much and yet you have to juggle it around with your other subjects and extra curriculars. This makes you tired and grumpy, and unable to work at 100%

I Myself have noticed the effects. Sleeping at 12 on school nights to wake up at 7 in the morning really gets to you after a while. I noticed I am less active, that I've been grumpy, and my marks are slightly lower than they were last year.

For more info on sleep deprivation click here:

And that is what it is. Homework has really been upsetting my balance latley with sleep and other activities. Maybe someone who reads this will agree with me