Monday, November 7, 2011

Blackberry's these days..

My blackberry's been acting up alot lately. Sending slow messages, recieving messages late, twitter not working properly. All this is causing me to lose faith in RIM. I got a blackberry thinking it would be amazing, and it was until recently. You don't know how hard it is to talk to girls without bbm? Very, trust me.

Besides that though, I use my phone to tweet on the go. I wanna tell people what I'm doing and wehre I'm doing it. The last tweet that I can see is from three hours ago, and the ones i sent aren't showing.

I don't know what the problem is, but RIM isn't really making me happy right now.

If you want to follow me on twitter, my name is:
(funny eh?^) :p

Cool Blog

Hey guys, check this funny blog out, its sooo jokes, just click on the URL below..