Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What's going on in the middle east?

Syria, Libya, Egypt -- You've heard it all over the news. Governments falling to the people's calls for democracy, and some still in tact. We've seen Musharef stepping down, and Ghadafi dying, and it makes it seem like the middle east is a really bad place. Even in Syria, a simillar situation. Media over here however is broadcasting these leaders as evil, and in my opinion they are not, and I'll tell you why.....

If you look at the Middle East, you see that there are so many different types of people with som many different religions and forms of those religions. You'll also see that all of these different people have different ideas and that democracy over there doesn't work.

Here, we have our own opinions, but no one cares what you say and who you believe. In the Middle East, all the different ideas and beliefs don't work together. I'm not speaking just religious wise, because muslims and christians get along very well, at least the ones I've seen. This is exactly why the Middles Eastern countries need someone in power to keep things organized. Without a guiding body, and someone to guide them, the Middle Eastern countries would crumble.

And also, In the case of Egypt's democracy, the Egyptian people must learn that democracy doesn't come right away. As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was democracy. The people in Egypt are complaining because they have yet to have rights, but they're only basing this on the European and North American democracy. They must realize that Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will their democracy.

As for democracy in the Middle East, I believe it doesn't work all to well, and that Middle Eastern Countries are bette off with the leaders they have.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

MW3 is out!!! and I don't have it yet.

MW3 is out!! As Many of you gamers out there may know. I still have yet to recieve a copy of the game, but I will get my hands on one soon! If you want to add me on PSN then my username is linkster150.

Hopefully this game as it's good as expected. I wouldn't want to buy this game for nothing

Another Piano Cover

Hey there everyone. Can you please check out my Piano cover for "Someone like you" by adele. here's the link :

Monday, November 7, 2011

Blackberry's these days..

My blackberry's been acting up alot lately. Sending slow messages, recieving messages late, twitter not working properly. All this is causing me to lose faith in RIM. I got a blackberry thinking it would be amazing, and it was until recently. You don't know how hard it is to talk to girls without bbm? Very, trust me.

Besides that though, I use my phone to tweet on the go. I wanna tell people what I'm doing and wehre I'm doing it. The last tweet that I can see is from three hours ago, and the ones i sent aren't showing.

I don't know what the problem is, but RIM isn't really making me happy right now.

If you want to follow me on twitter, my name is:
(funny eh?^) :p

Cool Blog

Hey guys, check this funny blog out, its sooo jokes, just click on the URL below..
