Friday, September 23, 2011

You're only 16 girl!

A 16 year old girl from Washington, Courtney Alexis Stodden, recently got married to 51 year old actor Doug Hutchinson.

Apparently in Las Vegas you can get married below the legal age if you have parental consent, and you can be sure her parents backed her up on this one. You can view her and her husband's interview here:

When you watched the video, how many of you thought that she was 16? I for one did not! What runs through my mind is an attention-wanting gold-digger!

Now, I relize that this is several months old, but I just heard about it now and all I can tell you is that im astonished. Who in their right mind would marry someone 35 years older than them? And what kind of parents in ther right mind would let there adolecent child marry a 51 year old?
From what I see, this seems like it won't last but it could, seeing that Doug Hutchinson has a net worth of 3.2 million dollars, I think Courtney will stay, through better or worse, and richer or poorer. Actually, maybe only through richer! Only time can tell!

What's your opinion? I'd love to hear it! Comment in the comment section!

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